Our 2025 club project is going to be a full scale Nike Smoke!!!!! That is a 16" diameter by 19' tall rocket. On this page we will be able to exchange ideas, follow the project, get information about meet ups and anything else pertaining to this project.
When is our club project's next meeting: December 26 right after the general meeting Location: Business Incubator (you can find directions on the meeting page) Next on agenda: Determining our timeline, budgets (time, weight, money), fundraising, what area to focus on first, building times and location, who is participating and any other topics that will help kick off this project.
We have broken down this project into quite a few areas, so if you are interested in any of these areas, please let us know. -Nose Cone -Body -Avionics and Recovery -Motor Mount -Fins -Engineering and Design -Ground Testing and Simulations -Paint and Finishing -Launch Tower and Transportation -Manufacturing Fixtures and Composites -Project Management and Safety -Fund Raising, Community Outreach, Networking
Update! We have decided to start with the nose cone. Our engineering team for the rocket will be meeting in the near future to design the nose cone and come up with a budget and timeline. If you would like to contribute to this project, there are many ways to do this: donate your time, provide materials, donate money, bring hand tools that may be needed, or anything else you think may be helpful.
We are trying to get our forum up and going, so please be patient. WARP CORE Rocketry
Current list of items we need: (x1)-3/8" plywood (4'x8') (x3)-Owens Corning R-10, 2-in x 4-ft x 8-ft FOAMULAR NGX F-250 Unfaced Polystyrene Board Insulation (x1)-3/8"-16 all-thread rod, 8ft long (x1)-3/8"-16 all-thread rod, 4ft long (x3)-TD-2 Bulkhead Mounting Tether and Release Device (The TD-2 Tether and Release Device | Tinder Rocketry) -some scrap 2"x4" for making the manufacturing fixture